August 4, 2011

The Virtue Foundation Institute for Innovation and Philanthropy in Ghana collaborates with the Women’s Caucus, Korle Bu and Komfo Anokye Hospitals to deliver more than $300,000.00 USD worth of medical equipment and supplies to hospitals and clinics in 21 districts in Ghana.

August 4, 2011–Accra, Ghana–The Virtue Foundation, an international NGO with special consultative status to the United Nations and charitable status in the United States, United Kingdom, and Ghana, has established the Virtue Foundation Institute for Innovation and Philanthropy in Ghana. The Institute sponsored the shipment of a 40′ container packed with over $300,000.00 USD of donated medical equipment and supplies for use in hospitals and clinics in 21 districts in Ghana, including Korle Bu and Komfo Anokye Hospitals. Today, at a special ceremony at the Angehill Hotel in Legon, Accra, representatives of the honorable Ghanaian women members of Parliament and Director of Korle Bu Hospital Professor Afua Hesse received a portion of the much-needed equipment and supplies for the benefit of their hospitals and clinics.

The Virtue Foundation Institute for Innovation and Philanthropy in Ghana was established to serve as a model institution to facilitate development solutions for community advancement. It supports initiatives in the Foundation’s key focus areas—health, education, empowerment, and justice—as critical leverage points for successful development. The Institute seeks to maximize efficiency and accountability to donors and communities in the replication and scaling of short-term high-impact and long-term sustainable development solutions nationally, regionally and globally. Central to its mission and goals, the Institute partners with local women leaders as agents of change to sponsor projects in their communities.

“Virtue Foundation seeks to ensure that the assistance we provide is evidence-based and that our collective efforts are spent toward maximizing impact and improving people’s lives,” said Dr. Joan LaRovere, Co-Founder and Vice President of Virtue Foundation. “As medical professionals, we can work together with our Ghanaian colleagues to create an improved health infrastructure.”

“This is a first step in building lasting partnerships toward long-term, sustainable development in health, education, justice, and empowerment in Ghana,” added Dr. Joseph Salim, Co-Founder and President of Virtue Foundation. “With the right tools in hand, our Ghanaian colleagues will make lasting impact and will save countless more lives in their communities. We are humbled and privileged to be able to do our part to assist in that transformative effort.”

The Virtue Foundation Institute also plans to continue work with Professor Afua Hesse to provide training and improve surgical care and pediatric services at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, and with Dr. Samuel Blay Nguah of Komfo Anokye to improve the hospital’s pediatric cardiac services. “This exchange is critical for short-term and long-term advancement in the medical care Ghanaians receive throughout the country,” said Professor Hesse. Dr. Blay Nguah added: “We are extremely fortunate to have such commitment and expertise toward making lasting improvements in delivering high quality care to our populations in need.”

“We are thrilled to work in partnership with the Virtue Foundation Institute to ensure that essential health services are meeting the needs of our communities,” commented Honorable Catherine A. Afeku of the Evalue-Dwira district. Honorable Hajia Rafatu Alhassan Dubie of the Sissala West district added: “Our medical professionals will now be better equipped to provide improved medical care using up-to-date medical technology and devices. And as a nurse, midwife, and medical assistant, I have seen first-hand that the proper equipment saves lives.”

“The Virtue Foundation Institute’s objectives include collaborating with women leaders, so that these women are empowered to advance their communities and alleviate poverty,” said Honorable Samia Yaba Nkrumah of Jomoro Distrtict. “As a woman leader, I recognize the importance of these goals to ensure a more democratic representation of the diverse views and needs of all Ghanaians. I am looking forward to collaborating long-term with Virtue to improve the communities in which I work.”

The Virtue Foundation Institute worked tirelessly with non-profit organization Doc 2 Dock to specifically tailor the container of equipment and supplies to the needs of local medical professionals on the ground in Ghana. In addition, while performing surgeries in Korle Bu Hospital, Virtue Foundation volunteer physicians and surgeons visited partner hospitals and clinics in Ghana to assess the equipment and supply needs and capabilities first-hand with local hospital directors. In Accra, Professor Nene Amegatcher of Sam Okudzeto & Associates and pro bono counsel to the Virtue Foundation Institute has worked tirelessly with the Women’s Caucus leaders, Hospital directors, and Virtue Foundation directors to ensure that these much-needed medical supplies reach the constituencies in need.